I have a confession to make. I have not been reading the Blaze blog. You know why? I’m at the RT Convention in Orlando, Florida. I know I should have statistics for you saying how many readers, booksellers, and authors are here. Trust me when I say, “A lot.” The big signing today filled the ballroom to overflowing!
Harlequin threw a luncheon for everyone with expensive e-reader gifts and other promotions. We had a potato bar, by the way, which was a lot of fun. Mashed potatoes with lots of fixin’s. All the other romance publishers–print press, e-pub, and even graphic novels are here in some form or another. And I’ve spent time with librarians and booksellers alike, if you’re interested in the professional attendance. Of course, nothing can stop the fans from coming here, so yeah to readers! Especially since we’re all readers.
Most of my time here was spent on panels. I spoke about psychic phenomenon, erotica, fantasy romance, comic books, and…wow, everything else too! There was dancing (a lot), drinking (a LOT!), and amazing costumes for the fairy ball on Thursday, the vampire ball on Friday, and then Saturday is the pool party. Don’t know what I’ll see for that!
Frankly, at this point, I feel like I have to apologize. Since I spoke at the pre-con, I’ve been here since Monday and am now massively brain dead. I wish I had great gossip too, but frankly, I mostly talked books and sex and love and sex and readership and sex. And I fit a little shopping in there too!
So…until I get my brain back…can you share any of your great (or not so great) RT convention stories? And if any of you are here, well pull up a chair and let’s chat! It’s even better if you have a drink for me too!
— Jade Lee